Vital Records

Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates
New Hampshire vital records are considered to be private, and access to them is restricted by statute to those individuals who have a "direct and tangible interest" in the record. To view all of the disclosure limitations to our records, click on this link to our statute. RSA 5-C: 9

Certain older records are exempt from these access restrictions. Birth records older than 100 years, as well as deaths, marriages and divorce records older than 50 years are available with unrestricted access.

Individuals wishing to research these "genealogical" records may do so by visiting the Genealogical Resource Center at the the offices of the Division of Vital Records, 9 Ratification Way in Concord, NH. For more information, please visit the DVRA website.

The Town Clerk has access to, and the ability to issue copies of: Birth, marriage and death events that occurred anywhere in the State of New Hampshire for the following date ranges:

  • Birth Records: 1935 to the present (except 1949 and 1950)
  • Death Records: 1965 to the present
  • Marriage Records: 1960 th the present
  • Divorce Records: 1979 to the present
  • Civil Unions: 2008 and 2009
  • Civil Union Dissolutions: 2008 to within 6 months of present search date
A $15.00 fee will be charged for each search. Should the search yield a result, the fee provides one certified copy of the record. Please note that the fee will be charged whether the record is found or not.  Additional copies may be acquired at the time of search for an additional $10.00 per copy. Valid government-issued  photo ID that meets the requirements set forth in RSA 5-C: 9 required with application. PAYMENT IN OFFICE ACCEPTED BY CASH OR CHECK.

For information on obtaining a Marriage license, please click here.

To request a record via mail, please click here.